Nutritional Wellness

Meals of the Week

Healthy Low Carb Meal Options

Try some of these quick easy low-carb meals below.  These meals can be eaten anytime.  Even serve these dishes at parties as a healthy food option.

Why it's important to eat clean foods.

Clean eating supports your long-term health.  Clean eating is not a diet, its a better way of eating which doesn't include processed foods, high calorie drinks and junk food.  Consuming foods closer to their natural state help keep your body functioning at its best.  For example, instead of eating sweet potato mousse you would eat a baked cinnamon sweet potato without sugar, butter and other additives.  For delicious nutritious recipes to cook at home click on the images below.

Eating healthy doesn't cost a lot of money.

Contrary to what most people believe, eating healthy does not cost a lot of money.  Many people believe that a diet of processed, non-nutritious foods is their only option because it's cheap.  What they don't understand is that poor eating will cost a lot more in the long run with medical costs, supplements use (to provide nutrients the body lacks) and increase in how quickly their health declines.  Another reason eating healthy seems expensive is that most people overeat.  Instead of eating one serving of a healthy food, many people eat two or three servings at a time which requires the item to purchased again quickly.  Therefore it's seems easy, quick and in abundance to get cheap processed laden foods.  The long-term effects of eating healthy include living a longer life, lower medical costs, lab work results within the normal ranges, feeling energized regularly, looking great as you age, and better management of existing medical conditions.  
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