Remaining Happy In A Stressful World
Many changes are happening in the world around us. Wars among different nations threaten our way of life. Technology that was supposed to be user-friendly and enhance our lives has become a tool of distraction, destruction, and dehumanization. The loss of family and friends whether voluntarily or involuntarily impacts our emotional and mental wellbeing. Changes in our financial stability such as retirement, job loss, and/or inflation impact our budget which can be stressful. Unexpected changes in our health as we age can happen regardless of how well we eat or exercise regularly. Many of these challenges we have no control over. And many of these changes can be very stressful. Many people find themselves feeling irritable, overwhelmed, and just not at their best when they feel overloaded.
You know what things or situations are affecting your happiness. For example, the person you’re around who makes you feel drained when you part. Working 12 to 13-hour days to prove yourself to colleagues and/or make more money to incur more things, stuff, and debt that won’t make you happy long-term. Spending time in environments that aren’t conducive to who you are as a person. Participating in activities that aren’t your desires but someone else's interests. When you want to do something, you will find a way to make it happen. For example, when you want to buy a home you will work hard, save your money, and do everything you need to do to buy the home. The same concept applies to the things you want for your life.
How can we remain happy in a stressful world?
Make room in your life for the people and things that are important to you.
Many changes are happening in the world around us. Regardless to what's happening around you, what comes through and out of you affects your happiness. The tips above applies at every age and life-stage.