Your Attitude Is Everything!
Have you heard the saying “Aging Isn’t For Sissies”? That said it’s a fact! And one of those facts is that your attitude can have a profound impact on your health. When you start to experience changes in your eyesight, cognitive skills, and/or physical or functional abilities it can discouraging and cause you to feel and think negatively about how you’re aging. Many institutional policies and procedures that perpetuate stereotypical beliefs about aging can cause you to ignore opportunities for living a satisfactory life. And to make matters worse, negative perceptions perpetuated by younger adults about aging further impacts the beliefs and attitudes of older adults. Being the joke in regards to your age adults, or being spoken down to because you’re older and it appears that you’re not hip or in tune with the younger adult, or people assuming because you’re dealing with various ailments that you cannot perform certain tasks, being replaced due to “younger and newer mindset of society” or even poking fun at yourself to help you deal with your physical or physiological changes can negatively impact your attitude... You can’t change other people’s perceptions or behavior about aging. However, your attitude towards your aging can impact your functional health. Adults who held more positive attitudes towards their aging survived on average 7.5 years longer than those who had a negative attitude toward their aging (Levy, Slade, Kunkel, & Karl, 2002). A great way to maintain a positive attitude about aging is to participate in physical activity regularly. Engage with older adults who are similar to you, have a similar interest, or are doing things in which you are interested. Get up in the morning do your hair, wear make-up if that’s what you like, care for your hygiene, and dress fashionably. Engage with other people regularly. The Lord promises “I will be your God throughout your lifetime -- until your hair is white with age. (Isaiah 46:4). Here’s proof that aging is supposed to happen, it’s not a process we’re supposed to avoid or defy, even though society practices ageism embrace aging. Know how blessed you are to still be living at your age, encourage the younger generation by showing that no matter how your body changes staying active, involved in life, and maintaining a positive attitude will help you manage the aging process well.